The LBCC Top 5 Search Results
Welcome to the LBCC TOP 5, this will be part of a regular feature where at the beginning of every month I will run through the top 5 searches you, the lovely visitor have been searching for on Little Britain Creative Crapola. Without anymore to say, lets start the countdown (Imagine some top of the pops music at this point if you will).
Number 5 is Anne, with 11 searches, Anne Creative Crapola includes the Anne, are you okay video edit and Anne Aerology Flash
Number 4 is the surname to the most popular chav in the whole world with 12 searches, but who you ask, well, see number 3.
Number 3 is the first name of the surname at number 4, yes Vicky Pollard with 16 searches. Some of the Vicky creative crapola includes the recent Vicky Pollard Duels of Chav Video Edit and an avatar of her on trisha from the comic relief special.
Number 2 is Lou, one half the well loved little britain duo with over 23 searches (meaning 24 searches). But it seems his wheelchair buddy has beaten him to take the top spot.
Number 1 is, well it has to be, Andy with 35 searches. Some of those searches will have got you to Yeah I know video edit or even to our Lou and Andy driving game.
So there you have it, the 5 little britain creative crapola searches, will Andy stay at number one after another month of searches? All will be revealed on the 1st of July. If your looking for character specific content, try browsing through the Character Directory here.

So there you have it, the 5 little britain creative crapola searches, will Andy stay at number one after another month of searches? All will be revealed on the 1st of July. If your looking for character specific content, try browsing through the Character Directory here.
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:D Thanks Joe, would it be wrong of me to expect that your excitedly anticpating July the 1st? ;)
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