Rock Profile is coming to DVD!
Yes, great news, our petition has been a massive sucess, the BBC (who visit the site daily of course) noticed the petition and decided because 109 people had signed the petition, they could make £1742.91 from it (for the less maths fluent, that is 109 lots of £15.99). Okay maybe I'm being a bit silly, the BBC probably haven't visited the site, they probably are blissfully unaware of the petition, all they realised was with all the Award winning sucess of Matt and David's they could probably cash in on the Lucas and Walliams back catalogue. And so the BBC shop has got this item up on the site here.

So why am I excited about this release? It's not like we haven't had 28 minutes of rock profile before on the shiny disc format. Well that wasn't enough for me. I'm a massive Rock Profile fan, I was someone who was aware of Matt and David before Little Britain. Rock Profile used to shown on UK Play many years ago (UK play was a channel that combined Comedy with Music, they axed the channel a few years ago, sadly), and it was there that I re watched it again and again. There's something about the show that means I can just re watch it loads of times, what it is I don't know, is it the inclusion of steps music? that might not be a factor. I could go far enough and say that I like Rock Profile more than Little Britain!
So thats why July the 25th is a day marked down in my calender, and why it should be for you to! I'm off to pre order it, just as soon as it's available on another site other than the BBC Shop.

So why am I excited about this release? It's not like we haven't had 28 minutes of rock profile before on the shiny disc format. Well that wasn't enough for me. I'm a massive Rock Profile fan, I was someone who was aware of Matt and David before Little Britain. Rock Profile used to shown on UK Play many years ago (UK play was a channel that combined Comedy with Music, they axed the channel a few years ago, sadly), and it was there that I re watched it again and again. There's something about the show that means I can just re watch it loads of times, what it is I don't know, is it the inclusion of steps music? that might not be a factor. I could go far enough and say that I like Rock Profile more than Little Britain!
So thats why July the 25th is a day marked down in my calender, and why it should be for you to! I'm off to pre order it, just as soon as it's available on another site other than the BBC Shop.
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YEEEEEEESSSSSS About time as well!!!
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