Anne, are you okay?

Another new video on the site, this one starring Anne. Not one of my best videos in my humble modest opinion, but, well, it's Little Britain! Why am I being down on this video? well I think I was being a bit lazy, most of the video is just one of the sketches (the anne plant sketch), but I thought it went there really well so I left in. Also the telephone bit I was a little undecided wether it was so stupid it was funny, or so stupid it was just stupid. Also the song says Annie, not Anne, so just use your imigination and pretend Jacko sings Anne.
Once again this video was another idea of Cheryl (Sebastian States of Whatever, Daffyd Thomas: It's a sin) who has now gained the title as "Little Britain Creative Crapola's Bernie Taupin. Why the title you may ask, well Bernie Taupin writes the lyrics for elton john's songs, so Cheryl pics the songs for my videos, if that makes any sense.

So what's next, well Cheryl has pissed herself with more ideas which I shall have to do, for fear of her selling it on the Little Britain fan sites black market!
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hi i am cheryl, the new bernie taupin as Clive has so kindly said! i quite liked it but my new ideas which should be the next one shall be muchos fun :D
Chez x x x
When I get round to doing the chez, I'll take a break from the hard chores of running a little britain site and concentrate on more important things like world peace.
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