The Little Britain Creative Crapola Blog

Friday, April 01, 2005

Bubbles and Bitty

Yes Finally I hear you say, a new video on LBCC! Yes it's been a while you may say, but it's only been a month, so not really that long... or is it? This video stars Bubbles and Harvey (you know, the bitty guy!) Featuring ELO's Mr. Blue Sky and David Holmes $ 160 million dollar Chinese Man, from the Ocean's Eleven remake film soundtrack. Why these two tracks you may ask, well basically they were two tracks I wanted to use for a potential video, but was dry out of ideas, so combined both tracks into one video. Watch the video (if you haven't already) here. Please feel free to leave your comments on the video below, if you want!

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Blogger Clive_Evil_C said...

Two Words. Oh shucks!

4/02/2005 10:53 pm  

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