Creative (Crapola) Block

Just like Brian from the popular TV series Spaced (You know, that thing those people who did Shaun of the Dead did before the film), I am currently reaching a Creative Block. Yep, no ideas for the site, sad isn't it? It was only last week when I churned out two video edits, but now, I have no ideas! I'd thought about maybe doing some non-video content for the site, the question is what! Shall I do some new avatars from the comic relief special and series 2, shall I churn out some new banners, shall I produce some new wallpapers? Or try something completly different (e.g. Miscellaneous stuff!). If you do have any ideas, remember, you can email them to me or leave a comment below in the blog. Being out of ideas makes me feel like crying, like the rather lovely Padme Amidala Skywalker Mrs. Darth Vader in Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith in the pic below. Please excuse this blog entry going into Star Wars nerd teritory, I'll promise you, there will be no more star wars Little Britain cross over stuff on the site... unless, hey that give me an idea*

*Note: I'm merely lying to give you hope for the site!
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