Jason and Nan: Across the Room

Yes, it was only two days ago when our last video edit was added (the daffyd one here). But when Clive_Evil_C gets an idea, he just can't leave it, he has to finish it as soon as possible! So here you go you little Smashers (Sorry I've been watching alot of Marion and Geoff Recently) heres our new video here.
Hopefully your reading this blog entry after you've seen the video, if not, don't read on, well you can if you want, but I was aiming to keep something secret about it! You know, one of those things called a suprise.
Yes thats right if you've read the page, you'll see theres no mention of the other song used in the video, well thats because I want it to be a suprise. That you'll expect a sweet video with music from the terribly written love scenes in Star Wars Episode 2 Attack of the clones only to be hit with a little bit of Afternoon Delight. Hopefully you found this amusing, that was my intention, all I can do is fail, nothing worse than that.
Also you obsessive lot of my site my notice theres not graphics with the video on the page, thats because, I can't think of one, so if anyone hasideas for a graphic they want to share with me, leave a message below to give me an idea, my brains short of them!
Please feel free to leave your opinion on the video below, don't expect another video in two days time, I'm all out of ideas! Remeber I'm always open to your iddeas, do feel free to email them to me my little smahsers at this address.
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