Further Updates...

Hello again, only was it this morning when we last updated the site, well how about updating the site this evening. Abi has created a new mix and flash animation combing Andy Pipkin and Anne (the pic above is a bit of a give away), anyway enjoy said mentioned flash and audio delight by clicking here.
Also we've updated the site with 2 more audio versions of our video edits (to add to the Yeah I Know one here), one of the She's a lady video (download it from here) and one of Sebastian's United States of Whatever video (download it from here). The sound quality is not perfect, but it's certainly listernable! So enjoy. Feel free to put on your mp3 player, or your phone as your ringtone, or well I don't know use your imagination!
What with two site updates in one day, next you'll expect three updates in one day, well, don't count on it! Anyway keep checking the site for our next update, remember new spoof trailer on the way!
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