Sebastian's United States of Whatever

Hello fellow fans of Little Britain Creative Crapola (if your not a fan of my site, then you are truely evil!) anyway I've updated the site with a new video edit, based on an idea by lucas and walliams board's own Cheryl (Isn't she a genius). This video is called Sebastian's United States of Whatever and well the name sort of implies what it's about, so feel free to watch said video by clicking here (If you haven't already seen it!) and please feel free to say what a great idea cheryl had, but don't compliment me as they'll swell my ego!
If you have an idea for a video edit LBCC could produce, please feel free to email me your idea or leave it in the comment box below.
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No No No Joe, you can't praise me Joe, it'll swell my ego, theres already too much praise for my site, I'd love a nasty email slamming my site, wait a minute, maybe I don't that'll just discorage me to update the site!
Thanks for the idea Joe! Interesting idea, I might try it, I'm planning to make a harvey "bitty" video next, but I'll bear your idea in mind!
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