New Spoof Trailer!

Latest update to the site is a new spoof trailer. This new trailer parodying the Star Wars Episode 3 Teaser Trailer. Please watch the spoof trailer by clicking here if you read the blog before the recent updates box on the home page!. Yes I know I've already done a star wars spoof trailer before (the Little Britain Episode one video here if you haven't seen it already!). So only another 4 more star wars spoof trailers to go! Maybe not, maybe I'll be a bit more original and pick a different film, maybe I'll never make another spoof trailer again!

Shall I talk a little about the new trailer, shall I bash it unecessarily? Yeah go on then. After you've watched the video you may realise it features the vocal talents of me, thats right it's got me doing my worst emperor palpatine impression. I'll have to apologise for that because well my microphone is shite and my impression is shite to! Sorry Ian McDiarmid (The actor who plays Palpatine, God don't you know anything!). This trailer also doesn't make alot of sense, but since when did any of my videos on the site, although if you've seen the episode 3 teaser trailer it will make slightly more sense! It'll explain why Ray McCooney should rise!
So anyway enjoy the new Spoof Trailer here and leave your comments below (Please!)
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Thanks! Yeah the microphones shite, I had to go raiding in the garage to find one, it was the best microphone I could find!
That was brill. I thought the VO was fine, but then i'm not a huge Star Wars fan so wouldn't know any better.
Thank you, I'm lucky making a star wars parody for little britain fans, as there not fussy if some stuff isn't that accurate!
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