Minor uninteresting updates your not interested in...
Hello there dear readers of the blog, maybe you notice a few new graphical additions to the home page? Maybe you didn't? Maybe you don't care? Maybe I'm bored and want to write about these updates purely to humor myself rather than to provide any real interest to you the reader of the site blog? Maybe my questions I am posing to myself will become longer and even more pointless and will provide not real interest to you and you'll merely skim this entry? Yes... Anyway.

This graphic above you may ask? what is the point? Well dear fans of my site, did you know that if you search for Little Britain Creative Crapola on google, that it will come up with this page with a hideous wandoo banner. Doesn't it make you want to vomit, so I have provided this link so said banner is gone, wonderful is it not? pointless is it not? Yes and Yes my friends.
Anyway there are a couple of other minor graphical updates to the homepage but these are so minor and so uninteresting I fear not to bore you further.
Well folks, I hope this update to the blog was of no interest, I trust you'll go and do something more interesting. Well visit the site again soon when we'll have a new spoof trailer, when will this come? when I've finished making it!
Edit: 16/02/04 You may have noticed that the above graphic has been replaced, I decided that I didn't like the graphic so re-made it to something you'll hopefully agree is better!

This graphic above you may ask? what is the point? Well dear fans of my site, did you know that if you search for Little Britain Creative Crapola on google, that it will come up with this page with a hideous wandoo banner. Doesn't it make you want to vomit, so I have provided this link so said banner is gone, wonderful is it not? pointless is it not? Yes and Yes my friends.
Anyway there are a couple of other minor graphical updates to the homepage but these are so minor and so uninteresting I fear not to bore you further.
Well folks, I hope this update to the blog was of no interest, I trust you'll go and do something more interesting. Well visit the site again soon when we'll have a new spoof trailer, when will this come? when I've finished making it!
Edit: 16/02/04 You may have noticed that the above graphic has been replaced, I decided that I didn't like the graphic so re-made it to something you'll hopefully agree is better!
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It is indeed Joe, I don't know why it is, probably something to with restrictions by wanadoo or summit or nuthin this whole thing I know nothing about. But Oh well, maybe If I move the site to super domain i'll have none of those problems!
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