April Fools!

Yes, it's April the first, and what does that mean, well it's April Fools! You may have seen on our homepage that the site has transformed to a spoof BBC News article. Yes thats right, you thought it wasn't possible for another Star Wars / Little Britain cross over, well I showed you! Mwa Ha Ha Ha! Sorry, got a little carried away there. So anyway what do you think? Was it a unfunny joke? Were you fooled into thinking you'd gone on the wrong site? Did you think the article was genuine? Do you want LBCC to make a new video rather than waste time producing april fools? Please leave your views below.
Edit 2/04/05: If you missed our April Fools, it can be found on this page
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Ha ha clive am so glad i look at the web adress that was just pure luck, because i was pulling up a new website and clicked on the other one so ha ha no one ever gets me he he
Well If I tricked Joe, then thats the most important thing. Amy on the other hand, Boo Hiss Boo, less of the thinking you! ;)
Will try and rember that
sorry must be more stupid :P lol
Its for the best, you'll go far in life with that attitude!
lol i never saw it i was to busy well done mate but dont think it would've fooled me to be honest my host was funniest deleting all my domains and hosting and telling me he had reported me for illegal activitys then making me almost in tears and tellin me it was a frickin joke lol
to bad lucas-walliams was rehacked lol
Using full stops and commas can be very difficult to use joe you should know that i always struggle to use them such a shame means sentences make no sense at all ;)
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