New Comic Relief Special Avatars!

Yes thats right, 9 new Little Britain avatars from the comic relief special for your use on forums accross the net! See them on this page. So umm... what ya reckon? Why is there a pic of Daffyd on the right hand side you may ask, well simple, I had to fill up an empty cell!
Of course the spoiler warning might not be necessary either, as you ALL SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT THE DVD! over 300,000 people have, why haven't you? Anyway, if you haven't seen it and are waiting for it to be shown on Comic Relief night, well maybe skip the page if you don't want the suprise ruined!
So what's coming up on the site? well Cheryl (the genius behind the ideas for the sebastian's united states of whatever video and the Daffyd Thomas: It's a sin video) has got another idea for a video, which I'll be sure to knock out soon!
So keep visiting the site for new creative crapola! Who knows, maybe I'll make some new Banners and Wallpapers!
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I know this next idea of mine will probably take up a lot of people's time if you decide to post it but I think that you should have a step by step guide of how to make avatars. Therefore people will not be asking can they use your avatars and they will be able to make their own. Just a suggestion! The avatars are great by the way, oh and Clive, I've nearly got the first video ready!
It certainly is a suggestion... I'll think about it!
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