New Rock Profile Avatars

Yes, as promised, a whole page of Rock Profile Avatars for your forum enjoyment. Eight fun filled Avatars, captured from the Best of on the Series 1 DVD. Well I don't know what more to add about the avatars! So I'll move on to LBCC related matters.
The site has had further updates, not as an exciting an update as new avatars page, but the merchandise review page has recieved an edit. The reviews have now been seperated up into seperate pages to make them easier to read, well that was the intention anyway!
And now I'll move on to something Star Wars related (for a change, you sarcastic bastards). Proof they'll put star wars on anything, yep, Bog Roll!

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You mean you weren't like me, and were a rock profile fan years before Little Britain? Well we can't all be like me!
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