The Cruise Interview

A new Video Edit for LBCC, but a slightly different one from the video edits you my dear visitors are used to, but change is good, non?
Anyway this video features Vicky Pollard "Interviewing" Tom Cruise at the War of the Worlds London Premier. Okay, this video is probably two weeks too late, and probably my worst idea for a video edit yet (feel free to tell me otherwise!) but I thought I'd give a try so please do tell me what you think of it below, no registering needed, just a click!
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Not one of your favourites? So does that mean you still like it?
Nah it's okay, I'm not that keen on the video, but I'd thought I'd give a try!
Yeah, I tried to improve it, but I couldn't really get it to work!
I'll probably make another spoof trailer next, what for? well that'll spoil it!
So would my report card from you Joe Joe be a D, must try harder then? ;)
rofl! Sorry Mr.Leslie, I'll try harder in future!
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