Happy Birthday LBCC

Only July the 31st (Or July the 30th, I can't quite remember, it's either one of those days) Little Britain Creative Crapola will reach the magic age of ONE! Yes we've been going for one whole year, feels like only a few months? No?
I felt maybe this was a nice time to reflect back on how the site started, originally we had no site logo, and had the even longer title of "Clive_Evil_C's Little Britain Creative Crapola" Gastly, non? We were originally just a one page site with only 5 downloads (The Little Britain and the Day after Tomorrow Trailer, The Seb'n'PM Video, 2 Wallpapers and umm... I can't remember the fifth one, sorry!) But gradually the site has grown and grown to the site you see today!
So Raise a toast to the site, no alcohol please, save that for LBCC's 18th Birthday. Birthday cards with sailing boats or "With Deepest Sympathy" are very much welcomed.
Yes I have put this on a week early, but I wasn't going to be online to put it on next week so I thought better to have an early birthday then a belated birthday!
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To Little Britain Creative Crapola! *Clink clink* Happy Birthday!
LBCC had a great day, thanks for your greetings!
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