Video/Avatar Directories and RBG!
I have decided to take down the Crapola and Character Directories. Why? Well I was not convinced I needed these directories to list everything on the site, and it takes some time to update it everytime I add something new to the site. So instead I have replaced them with an indivdual directory for the video and avatar sections as these two sections are the largest sections on the site and can take some time to naviagate your way through for first time visitors (I imagine) so I set up these two directories instead (Video directory here and Avatar Directory here). I was also not convinced anyone bothers with the crapola/character directories so I thought I'd set up these two as there much flasher, waste of time, probably but hopefully some visitors might find it useful as the more the site expands the less easy it become to find all the content! What do you think?

Also I've added a Random Banner Generator as well it was suggested to me here by shaun and I thought, hey why not. If you have anymore ideas dear visitors, share them either by email or below, go on, don't be shy!

Also I've added a Random Banner Generator as well it was suggested to me here by shaun and I thought, hey why not. If you have anymore ideas dear visitors, share them either by email or below, go on, don't be shy!
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