
Forbidden Planet have got pictures of the above Little Britain dollys, is it me, or, to quote Andy "I don't like them." Sure it's Little Britain, but does that mean I have to like them? When I first read about them I was a little hesitant, but on a radio interview with Matt and David, they themselves admited they were unsure at first but once they saw them, they thought they were great. Personally I would have prefered some 3 and 3/4 inch action figures (you know ones like the star wars figures) that would look lovely displayed ontop of a TV or monitor or balanced on your head. But these dollys, they just look, can't think of a better word, but "ugh." On the other hand the Jigsaw looks like fun.

Maybe I'll get that instead of the Dollys.
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I'm a bit worried about the £32.99 price tag for the Lou and Andy twin set thingy.
Dollys don't come cheap it seems, probably poor Matt and David need the money
well... they might be quite expensive, but still... there isn't any Ann doll. and no Sebastian as well.
but i like them, really, not sure if so much to buy one, but i like them.
Yeah, I like them to, and if they weren't to expensive I would've maybe considered buying one. Although I aggree with Clive- we need action figures!
An Anne action figure could have such a great collection of props!
A plastic sandwhich, tree, cage and wheelborrow? Oh sounds brilliant!
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