July's Top 5 searches
A week late, but here they are... if you cared, but you do care, don't you?

Number 5 is a tie, with Lou and Computer both being searched for 10 times,
Number 4 is Andy Pipkin, you know who he is, with 12 searches theres nothing more for me to say about him!
Number 3 is Anne, she says "Eh Eh Eh" 13 times she has been searched
Number 2 is Pollard, surname of (with 14 searches)...
Number 1 is Vicky, with 15 searches
So there you go! Gripping reading, non?

So there you go! Gripping reading, non?
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It truly is gripping reading! It's my favourite time of the month!
Good Lord Joe Joe, it's not that gripping surely? ;)
Oh, it is. It's like the top 40, only better.
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