The Little Britain Creative Crapola Blog

Friday, September 23, 2005

Future updates...

You may have read in the recent updates box that future updates will be only available in the blog. This isn't because of some very petty reason (I assure you). I shall be starting Uninversity on sunday and not have acess to a wanadoo connection. Why is this a problem you ask? Well because I'm a cheap skate I can't afford/be bothered to afford to run the site on some fancy domain name, no, I run the site on free webspace that comes with my ISP, because of this, I require an internet connection from my ISP to access the site updating thingy. Basically, I won't be able to edit the main site without coming home. So rather then dissapointing my loyal LBCC fans (Dan and Joe Leslie) I shall continue to put some updates straight to the blog instead and put them into the main site when I get the chance, great?

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George Lucas thinks it's great!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Marjorie Dawes: Making Time

New Video Edit time, this time a video featuring Marjorie Dawes. Why Marjorie? Well I realied she was one of the major characters I hadn't made a video edit of! Why the use of the track? I recently got the film Rushmore on DVD and wanted to use one of the tracks from the cracking soundtrack in a video edit. So there you have it, what do you reckon? Do share your opinion with us, go on!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Hugh Grant?

Oh I love reading your search results, I really do! The latest search result to make me talk in a squeeky voice of disbelief was this:

Hugh Grant

Yes, he's played a prime minister, but that was in that awful Love Actually film and not that rather good Little Britain show. I'm sorry dear visitor that your search was left in dissapointment.

Oh and now we're getting a influx of visitors (Well 4) visting the blog searching for "little girls boobs" getting this blog entry. Well if someone has got to the site because of the hormones, that can't be a bad thing, surely?

Of course you don't really care and would rather we add some more content! Sorry.

Friday, September 02, 2005

August's Top 5 Searches

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August's Top 5 searches are pretty much all dominated by one actor playing a lady, Carol! (That's why theres a picture of her above). At Number 5 is Andy, Number 4 are two entries both with 11 searches, the words clips and says (as in computer says no). At 3 is the word no (as in computer says no) with 13 searches. In second place is computer with 15 searches (as in computer says no) and in first place with 29 searches is Carol! Seems August has been a popular month for Carol, we recently went to the recordings for series 3 where we saw Carol (full report here). Seeing as you people can't get enough of Carol, here's a little spolier for you (highlight it if you dare) Carol says computer says yes. I hope you found this month's top 5 search results as about as exciting as I did writing them up.