Top 5 search results for October
Hello there, sorry I've not updated the site in a while, "I've been busy trimming my beard and trying different hair styles and shit."* Anyway, here is the top 5 for the month of october.
At 5 are 3 words with 15 searches each, Ray, Vicky and says as in "computer says no.
At 4 is Pollard, the surname for... I'll let you guess. Pollard has been searched 16 times.
At 3 is lou with 20 searches.
At 2 is Bubbles with 22 searches.
And at number one is... andy with 25 searches.
There you have it, what a top 5 of characters that group is. Don't forget that Little Britain Series 3 airs on Thursday 17th of November and features all the above characters (Well not ray, sadly).
*This is of coures I quote from Rock Profile by George Michaels, I don't really have a beard!
At 5 are 3 words with 15 searches each, Ray, Vicky and says as in "computer says no.
At 4 is Pollard, the surname for... I'll let you guess. Pollard has been searched 16 times.
At 3 is lou with 20 searches.
At 2 is Bubbles with 22 searches.
And at number one is... andy with 25 searches.
There you have it, what a top 5 of characters that group is. Don't forget that Little Britain Series 3 airs on Thursday 17th of November and features all the above characters (Well not ray, sadly).
*This is of coures I quote from Rock Profile by George Michaels, I don't really have a beard!

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He does? Oh Yeah, he does.
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