Marjorie Dawes: Making Time

New Video Edit time, this time a video featuring Marjorie Dawes. Why Marjorie? Well I realied she was one of the major characters I hadn't made a video edit of! Why the use of the track? I recently got the film Rushmore on DVD and wanted to use one of the tracks from the cracking soundtrack in a video edit. So there you have it, what do you reckon? Do share your opinion with us, go on!
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The link doesn't work. :(
Odd, just checked and it's working for me, curious
Oh I'm a muppet, I just realised you meant the link the video, not the page, it's working now! :)
Brilliant! I loved it!
Thanks chaps, well spotted Dan, you are indeed correct, deary me, I was tad slap dash when I put the video page up, I'll fix it in a sec, you see I just copy the page of one video edit and use it for a new video edit page, just to get consistent design and being lazy! Tee Hee :)
All fixed now! :)
Oh so i see you didn't want Bernie here helping you with this one ;) only messing, its really good. :D
Chez x x x
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