The Little Britain Creative Crapola Blog

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

She's a Lady

Another new video edit on the site, featuring Emily Howard and her lady friend, Florence! And the vocal talents of Tom Jones (sorry, I'm ashamed to admit I like the welsh one, well it could be worse, I could like Jay Z!). Watch it here, if you just visit the blog without looking at the recent updates box! Odd person if you do, but I'll excuse you because you read my Blog!

Enjoy the video and leave any comments you have on it in the comments box below!

Also another point little britain fans, you know that show matt lucas and friend did before that show with transexuals, yes Rock Profile. Wouldn't you like a dvd release of it, well sign the petition if you haven't already by clicking here.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Sebastian's United States of Whatever

Hello fellow fans of Little Britain Creative Crapola (if your not a fan of my site, then you are truely evil!) anyway I've updated the site with a new video edit, based on an idea by lucas and walliams board's own Cheryl (Isn't she a genius). This video is called Sebastian's United States of Whatever and well the name sort of implies what it's about, so feel free to watch said video by clicking here (If you haven't already seen it!) and please feel free to say what a great idea cheryl had, but don't compliment me as they'll swell my ego!

If you have an idea for a video edit LBCC could produce, please feel free to email me your idea or leave it in the comment box below.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

10 Brand New Avatars!

Your favourite little britain sites that has the funny videos and stuff has been updated again with ten new little britain avatars, see them By clicking here. Whilst your on LBCC, have a look at the home page, wait paitently looking at the graphic at the very top of the page and you may (providing you have paitence and a fast connection) see the graphic pointlessly change before your very eyes!

Anyway Enjoy and stuff

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Yeah I know video

On the site we've got a new video edit, a fun compilation of Andy saying "Yeah I know." If you haven't noticed the recent updates box already, well click here. Whilst making it the video could have gone in two directions, it could be the most annoying video ever or the funniest, luckly through the golden rule of comedy (the more it happens the funnier it is, see sideshow bob stepping on rakes in the simpsons) it turned out quite well if I do say myself quite modestly. Anyway enjoy! Leave any comments you have about it below!

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Happy new year!

Happy new year from Little Britain Creative Crapola, my news years resolution? to make more creative crapola for the site! Today I have put up 5 new little britain avatars which you can see here. I aim to make more avatars as before I was unable to make more due to the animation shop trial running out, but being the idiotic ginger I am I realised that I could gifs all along with a program right under my nose, photoshop! Anyway, I'm aiming to make an avatar for most of the characters from series one using captures from the dvd. I have got 10 at the moment, I intend to make a Sir Bernard Chumley and a Dame Sally Avatar, but am not sure what else to make, this is where you the visitor of LBCC (I give typing the name of the site in full! Sorry!) can help, is there any particular character from the first series of Little Britain you'd like to see an Avatar of? If so feel free to post your choices in the Comments Box Below!