The Little Britain Creative Crapola Blog

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


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Forbidden Planet
have got pictures of the above Little Britain dollys, is it me, or, to quote Andy "I don't like them." Sure it's Little Britain, but does that mean I have to like them? When I first read about them I was a little hesitant, but on a radio interview with Matt and David, they themselves admited they were unsure at first but once they saw them, they thought they were great. Personally I would have prefered some 3 and 3/4 inch action figures (you know ones like the star wars figures) that would look lovely displayed ontop of a TV or monitor or balanced on your head. But these dollys, they just look, can't think of a better word, but "ugh." On the other hand the Jigsaw looks like fun.

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Maybe I'll get that instead of the Dollys.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Sir Bernard: As I get older

Well It's been a while, but finally we've got a new Video Edit, this one staring Sir Bernard Chumley. This is another great idea from Cheryl, I've been meaning to make it for a while, but finally got round to it, so, what do you think of it? Please leave your comments on the video below. Click here to watch the Video.

Rock Profile Creative Crapola

Recently got into Rock Profile? Why not check out some of the Rock Profile content on offer on the site, yes, we do more than just Little Britain!

We've got two pages of Rock Profiles Avatars, Page One here with avatars captured off the series 1 DVD and Page Two here with avatars captured off the recent DVD Release, as well as 1 Avatar from the Rock Profile License Fee Commercial here.

We've got two Rock Profile Banners here, maybe it's about time we added more?

On the site we've got the Rock Profile License Fee Commerical which is a slightly longer version than the one on the DVD, see it here

On the site we've got a Rock Profile Wallpaper, check it out here.

We've got a review of the Rock Profile DVD here and 6 Mp3's of the song's featured in Rock Profile here.


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

"girls boobs in little britian"

A dear visitor (you're all dear to me visitors) was using the site search looking for "girls boobs in little britian" A dear visitor whom I shall call Pervy Pete, well Pete, I dare not dissapoint you, here you go:

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Although Pete, maybe watch some porn or something if you want to look at girl's boobs! Oh and Pete, it's spelt Britain!

Series 3 "repppaaaaarrrrrttttt"

Sunday night I went to the recordings of Series 3 of Little Britain (Thanks very much to Jessie) and it was so exciting I was close to wetting myself in the que just to get into television centre (Probably more to having a weak bladder).

Anyway, less talk of my bladder and straight to the recordings, well there were 3 sets out for the night we were there, two daffyd ones (his parent's kitchen and Myfannwy's pub) as well as a set for Carol (who's it seem's has ditched in working in a bank for a more promising profession, but you wouldn't want me to spoil it where she was, would you?). These live sketches were very good, it was nice to see the Daffyd sketches to go beyond "I'm the only gay in the village" with Daffyd becoming a rent boy wearing a rather revealing outfit exposing his rear prompting an "asda price" joke inbetween takes from matt. The other Daffyd sketch recorded involved Daffyd's mum (once again played by Ruth Madoc). Matt and David generally went through the sketches pretty quickly with only the occassional corpsing.

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When not filming we were shown VT footage of the location shoot featuring all your favourite characters. From the footage I saw on the night, it looks like series 3 will be an improvement on the last. There were a series of Lou and Andy sketches which, without giving too much away will probably be the highlight of the series for many, imagine lou and andy sketches but without Lou... Oh I've probably said too much already. There was two Marjorie sketches where the fatties (finally!) revolt against marjorie, an Emily and Florence Hen Night sketch which ends with... Oh I shouldn't say. Then there was a christmas Anne Sketch, a "beautiful" Sebastian sketch, A conclusion to the Linda sketches (The university councellor) which should have been in the last series, 2 ting tong and dudley (See picture above) sketches which were pretty good, a couple of sketches for a character who I shall call "froggie lady" which will be one of those "Ewwwwww..." sketches. Then there was two Bubbles sketch with a cameo from the briliant Rob Brydon and David dressed in a way that might put off the Walliams lusters. Though my two favourite sketches of the night have to be a Kenny Craig sketch with hynoptism over a fax machine and a sketch with Matt dressed as Orville (to say anymore might ruin it). Generally I thought the quality of the sketches was pretty good, although one sketch involving a pissing lady probably was a bit too over the top.

It seems series 3 will be an improvement on the last, the characters have been developed more and most improtantly, it was funny! Can't wait till it airs in November.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Mind Up...

...Make belive, Mind Up, Make Believe, Mind Up!

Yes a Rock Profile Avatar, I shall be adding some more Rock Profile Avatars to add to the ones we've already got on this page.

Whilst you wait, why not download the Rock the Blind Band Aid Parody Mp3 from the site here.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Whilst on holiday...

...I came across and advertisement that reminded me of a certain Little Britain Character:

Remind you of anyone?

How about him?

Remind you of anyone? Or is it just me.

July's Top 5 searches

A week late, but here they are... if you cared, but you do care, don't you?

Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.comNumber 5 is a tie, with Lou and Computer both being searched for 10 times,

Image hosted by Photobucket.comNumber 4 is Andy Pipkin, you know who he is, with 12 searches theres nothing more for me to say about him!

Image hosted by Photobucket.comNumber 3 is Anne, she says "Eh Eh Eh" 13 times she has been searched

Image hosted by Photobucket.comNumber 2 is Pollard, surname of (with 14 searches)...

Image hosted by Photobucket.comNumber 1 is Vicky, with 15 searches

So there you go! Gripping reading, non?