The Little Britain Creative Crapola Blog

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Blogs can influence elections!

Apparently So! Well apparently they had some impact on the american election, so apparently could have some influence on this up coming election. So with thrice the use of the word Apparently, can my blog, written by some who will just be a few months too young to vote in the upcoming election, have some influence on you, on who you vote for? Well Little Britain Creative Crapola, in the upcoming election is rooting for, this stripper... I mean Man:

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Yes Charles Kennedy, and why do LBCC recommend this man? Well it comes down to the most important feature, where they stand on Asylum Seekers? No Don't be silly, Hair!

Yes Charles has got a full head of hair (well almost). So why vote for Mr.Blair, after eight years in power, we can clearly see that the once attractive Tony Blair is balding, why vote for a prime minister who will be bald by the end of his third term? Mr. Kennedy has got a gawwgeous full head of hair, which will still be a full head of hair by the end of one term! So go on, vote for Charles, plus he's Ginger, so thats not a bad thing! Don't even ask me about Michael Howard!

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Friday, March 25, 2005

I've actually updated the site!

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You hear that R2 D2, Chewie, Obi Wan, Anakin, Mace, Padme and Bail, I've actually updated the site! Yes thats right, I've edited, tidied up and generally updated the links page on this very page here.

Okay, so March has been a slow month for LBCC, I'd like to apolgise for that, I've had too much courswork to do and just not had any ideas for new content. Plus this is the quiet time for Little Britain, Series 3 is currently in the writing stage, so this leaves very little new Little Britain related stuff to get excited about, Besides a certain film is distracting my little britain type love (I think the picture tells you what it is!)So anyway, don't worry LBCC will have some new stuff soon!

Altough if you want to get your fix of some new Little Britain stuff, may I plug Version 2 of Joe Leslie's Little UK site which has got all sorts of new Little Britain stuff for you to enjoy!  Plus a new forum which could benefit from a few more members.  So Go there, or else I'll never update this site again* Lord Vader has warned you

*Okay, Relax, My threat is a lie!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

New Comic Relief Special Avatars!

Yes thats right, 9 new Little Britain avatars from the comic relief special for your use on forums accross the net! See them on this page. So umm... what ya reckon? Why is there a pic of Daffyd on the right hand side you may ask, well simple, I had to fill up an empty cell!

Of course the spoiler warning might not be necessary either, as you ALL SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT THE DVD! over 300,000 people have, why haven't you? Anyway, if you haven't seen it and are waiting for it to be shown on Comic Relief night, well maybe skip the page if you don't want the suprise ruined!

So what's coming up on the site? well Cheryl (the genius behind the ideas for the sebastian's united states of whatever video and the Daffyd Thomas: It's a sin video) has got another idea for a video, which I'll be sure to knock out soon!

So keep visiting the site for new creative crapola! Who knows, maybe I'll make some new Banners and Wallpapers!

Monday, March 07, 2005

LBCC's New Look

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Curse the media, renowned for sexing stuff up, well LBCC isn't like the media, although we are sexing up our so called New Look, so maybe we're as bad as the Mirror.

All we've done is merely changed the top navigation table on the website, but I'm sure you'll agree it's a change for the better. This is a much tidier layout for the site and much more pleasent on the eyes! Please feel free to leave your comments below, you are allowed to disagree with me and say you prefered it how it was!

Friday, March 04, 2005

I've tweaked the Blog

Yes regular visitors to LBCC's Blog (Joe Leslie) may notice I have tweaked the Blog, I trust this is exciting news. Yes you many notice the font has changed to match the sites font, and also at the top of the page I've put up the direct links to the sites content. Doing this has made me consider doing this for the rest of the site, so instead of the huge graphic and the icons around it, instead just the titles and a little explanation below. If I did this it would make the site tidier and quicker to load, plus it would be better as the existing box takes up the whole of the browsers window. So what do you reckon Joe? (And anyone else who reads this blog) Should I change it?

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Creative (Crapola) Block

Just like Brian from the popular TV series Spaced (You know, that thing those people who did Shaun of the Dead did before the film), I am currently reaching a Creative Block. Yep, no ideas for the site, sad isn't it? It was only last week when I churned out two video edits, but now, I have no ideas! I'd thought about maybe doing some non-video content for the site, the question is what! Shall I do some new avatars from the comic relief special and series 2, shall I churn out some new banners, shall I produce some new wallpapers? Or try something completly different (e.g. Miscellaneous stuff!). If you do have any ideas, remember, you can email them to me or leave a comment below in the blog. Being out of ideas makes me feel like crying, like the rather lovely Padme Amidala Skywalker Mrs. Darth Vader in Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith in the pic below. Please excuse this blog entry going into Star Wars nerd teritory, I'll promise you, there will be no more star wars Little Britain cross over stuff on the site... unless, hey that give me an idea*

*Note: I'm merely lying to give you hope for the site!