The Little Britain Creative Crapola Blog

Friday, April 29, 2005

New Spoof Trailer and other Shit on LBCC

Shits the word!

I've changed the videos pages of my site so it should be easier to navigate through (at least thats my crazy way of thinking) By splitting the video pages up.

And I've made 3 additions to my video pages, first up is an about the videos page which includes some tripe video edits I made pre-LBCC here

Second is an alternative version of my Seb'n'PM video I made ages ago with the darkness instead of elton john here

And finally the best bit, the new spoof trailer here

Do tell if any of the links are buggered, so do tell! Pwease! Also please feel free to leave any comments on any of today's sites updates

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Change in Seach Box!

Eagle Eyed visitors to LBCC may have noticed that the search box has changed. Why you may ask? Well simple, I found an option better than google. The google search box only searched what ever pages google has in their record for the site. This meant that the search box was unable to find our most recently added pages. Also I wanted to adapt the google box so it searched the blog as well, I couldn't work out how to do this with the google box. So when browsing another site, I noticed the search box from and immediatly put it on LBCC. This works much better than the google search, so there was no reason not to change!

Anne, are you okay?

Another new video on the site, this one starring Anne. Not one of my best videos in my humble modest opinion, but, well, it's Little Britain! Why am I being down on this video? well I think I was being a bit lazy, most of the video is just one of the sketches (the anne plant sketch), but I thought it went there really well so I left in. Also the telephone bit I was a little undecided wether it was so stupid it was funny, or so stupid it was just stupid. Also the song says Annie, not Anne, so just use your imigination and pretend Jacko sings Anne.

Once again this video was another idea of Cheryl (Sebastian States of Whatever, Daffyd Thomas: It's a sin) who has now gained the title as "Little Britain Creative Crapola's Bernie Taupin. Why the title you may ask, well Bernie Taupin writes the lyrics for elton john's songs, so Cheryl pics the songs for my videos, if that makes any sense.

So what's next, well Cheryl has pissed herself with more ideas which I shall have to do, for fear of her selling it on the Little Britain fan sites black market!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Oh you're such a tease!

A Tease, A tease, thats what I am, and here it is, a teaser for our new video, see it on this page. When will it appear on the site you ask? Well when I've finished it of course!

Friday, April 15, 2005

Little Britain on the 50 Greatest Comedy Sketches

Yes, there not creative crapola, but they are little britain related so we are at least fullfilling one half of our Charter to the Little Britain fans. I kicked myself that I missed the show, maybe you did to? Particularly as they had rare footage of early rock profiles Lou and Andy. Well Little Britain Creative Crapola, being the superman of the Little Britain fan community, swang in and saved the day. I'm not really sure where I'm going with this post, just, Hello, I updated the site three days running! So Anyway, is this an welcomed addition to the site?

Thursday, April 14, 2005

About the Site Page has been improved!

Yes, Bordem, it's a powerful thing, some may let's say releave themselves in that time, others may keep busy and run their own site. The point I'm making is that in my bordem I have improved the About the site page here. So gentle visitors, is there anything that you think that need covering that hasn't been on the page, please leave a comment below if you think theres anything! Pweease.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Search LBCC via Google

Have you seen the homepage today? Yes, oh good, because you may have noticed the search Little Britain Creative Crapola by google thingy box. I've tried it out and it does seem to work pretty well, although doesn't seem to work to find some of our spoof trailers annoyingly. So what you, my beloved site visitors, think of it, pointless or pointfilled?

Thursday, April 07, 2005

New Rock Profile Avatars

Yes, as promised, a whole page of Rock Profile Avatars for your forum enjoyment. Eight fun filled Avatars, captured from the Best of on the Series 1 DVD. Well I don't know what more to add about the avatars! So I'll move on to LBCC related matters.

The site has had further updates, not as an exciting an update as new avatars page, but the merchandise review page has recieved an edit. The reviews have now been seperated up into seperate pages to make them easier to read, well that was the intention anyway!

And now I'll move on to something Star Wars related (for a change, you sarcastic bastards). Proof they'll put star wars on anything, yep, Bog Roll!
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Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Home Page!

Hoi Hoi, Clive_Evil_C here, and what delights does Little Britain Creative Crapola have for you on this fine day of April the 5th, how about an improved homepage layout and promise of a whole page of Rock Profile Avatars? Doesn't that sound great? No need to answer my question, I know your answer. Anyway, do you, dear visitor think the homepage looks better? If you don't, well I'll just cry, thats all. Good Bike, and heres a teaser of one of the new avatars coming onto the site:

And heres a picture from the new Star Wars film, for my own amusement:

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Obi Wan: Hey Anakin, I'll be back to pick you up later, you little dark lord of the sith

Saturday, April 02, 2005

20,000 Visits

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Yes, LBCC has reached 20,000 hits. A landmark total I'm sure you should agree, thanks to all our regular visitors because, well, you're responsible for the sucess of the site. So whilst you're reading this blog entry, do something to acknowledge this landmark, maybe a silent clap, a smile or maybe you could go as far as to flush the toilet twice, the next time you go! Do it, it's a hell of a landmark for a small Little Britain fan site which is now the second most popular Little Britain fan site on the web! (Well that is according to these two polls: 1, 2) So umm.... Yay for LBCC!

Friday, April 01, 2005

Bubbles and Bitty

Yes Finally I hear you say, a new video on LBCC! Yes it's been a while you may say, but it's only been a month, so not really that long... or is it? This video stars Bubbles and Harvey (you know, the bitty guy!) Featuring ELO's Mr. Blue Sky and David Holmes $ 160 million dollar Chinese Man, from the Ocean's Eleven remake film soundtrack. Why these two tracks you may ask, well basically they were two tracks I wanted to use for a potential video, but was dry out of ideas, so combined both tracks into one video. Watch the video (if you haven't already) here. Please feel free to leave your comments on the video below, if you want!

April Fools!

Yes, it's April the first, and what does that mean, well it's April Fools! You may have seen on our homepage that the site has transformed to a spoof BBC News article. Yes thats right, you thought it wasn't possible for another Star Wars / Little Britain cross over, well I showed you! Mwa Ha Ha Ha! Sorry, got a little carried away there. So anyway what do you think? Was it a unfunny joke? Were you fooled into thinking you'd gone on the wrong site? Did you think the article was genuine? Do you want LBCC to make a new video rather than waste time producing april fools? Please leave your views below.

Edit 2/04/05: If you missed our April Fools, it can be found on this page