Friday, June 24, 2005
Today I've put up a new banner on the site, see it here. I've decided to concentrate on making some new banners for the site, as well I haven't addded any new banners since the site back in August last year. I'm going to concentrate on the main characters, so, question is, which characters would you like to see Banners of?
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
The Welcome to Graphics Page - Updated 22/06/05 3 New Graphics

Well I felt guilty for not updating the site in a few days (terrible, I hang my head in shame!) so I thought I'd do something new for the site, scratched my head for a few minutes (maybe I have nits?) and thought about adding a few more refreshing graphics, now there are 9. Are you curious, do you want to see them all, but feel guilty for hitting refresh loads of time in the hope of seeing all 9 sending my counter up, well I'd thought I'd post all 9 in this blog entry.



Lou and Andy, the first one made, and probably the best one.

Bubbles, yes the idea is that the site logo is on the poster wall, not quite comes accross.

Sebastian, note the dodgy photoshopped logo onto the monitor

Carol, look, she's actually visiting the site!

So theres all 9, please feel free to tell me which one is your favourite below.
Thought I should add Just a little thanks to tara, the owner of for the wonderfully selection on screenshots, without them, well I'd have no pictures to photoshop!
The Revenge of Decius Brutus
Maybe you saw this post in the blog from May about a visitor who searched for Decius Brutus in the site search. Well it seems now that blog entry comes up first when you search for Decius Brutus on yahoo. Oh the joy of how Search Engines work. Talking of search engines and in keeping with the LBCC site vanity, LBCC currently appears on page 3 when you search for Little Britain on google just behind one of those dodgy sites offering awful impressions of characters from Little Britain for your phone from the people that brought you the hateable Crazy Frog. (Currently as of me typing this). So umm... Huzzah for Decius Brutus!

Just a pic I found on google from Decius Brutus, photoshopped, slightly.

Just a pic I found on google from Decius Brutus, photoshopped, slightly.
Sunday, June 19, 2005
A 40th of a million visitors!
Yes, we've reached a major milestone, we've had offically a 40th of a million visitors. Okay Mr.Cynical, not much of a milestone, and if you skim read this you might think it says 40 million visitors! This is a bit on a non-post, just an occasion to celebrate a meaningless milestone, Huzzah! And to celebrate, how about a meaningless avatar, Huzzah (Watch the stormtrooper in the back)

Tee Hee!

Tee Hee!
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Random Avatar Generator

Oh I know how it is message board addicties, wanting a fancy animated avatar, but your unable to decide which one to use. This is why I have created the random avatar generator which randomly picks on of the 40 little britain avatars we have on offer on the site. So you need not worry anymore, the Random Avatar Generator will pick for you, great, non?
Although currently I'm using this non Little Britain avatar on the forum of my favour:

Monday, June 13, 2005
Two LOG avatars
Small update for today, I've added two Leauge of Gentlemen avatars to the site, what's that you say, it's not Little Britain Creative Crapola? Well star of the League of Gentlemen Mark Gatsis is the script editor of Little Britain series one, director of the first series Steve Bendelack is the director of the League of Gentlemen, so they are related! I've recently got into the league of gentlemen thanks to buying the dvd boxset, so for some of the forums I go on I decided to make a couple of Geoff Tips avatars to use and I thought why not share them with my dear LBCC visitors? Anyway if you haven't seen them already, check them out on our other comedy avatars page here.
Now this is where dear visitors I pose a question to you, are you interested in seeing some more other comedy avatars added to the site including possibly some more League of Gentlemen avatars, Alan Partridge, Black Book or Spaced avatars, or anything else I've got on DVD? Please leave your comments below, please.
Now this is where dear visitors I pose a question to you, are you interested in seeing some more other comedy avatars added to the site including possibly some more League of Gentlemen avatars, Alan Partridge, Black Book or Spaced avatars, or anything else I've got on DVD? Please leave your comments below, please.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
New Page of Avatars

Yep, 10 Brand new avatars on the site, featuring all the characters from series 1 that I hadn't done before including Mr.Mann and the two Ians! Infact, we should have every single character from series one apart from Len Booth above. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Check out the new page of avatars here.
Maybe you've seen our 'Twat' blog entry with a new avatar which doesn't appear on this page, seems I ended up with odd amount of avatars, if you haven't seen it, it can be acessed here. Enjoy!
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Refreshing Welcome to Graphic
I'm sorry, I just can't leave my home page alone, I've further tweaked it! Everytime you refresh the home page an alternative 'Welcome to...' Graphic appears. At the moment there are only are few, but I'll try and add some more later on. Yes I do have too much free time, so anyway, what do you reckon, do you agree that, to quote Keith Barret , it's "A bit of fun."

Monday, June 06, 2005
We want new content, not an already fiddled about re fiddled homepage, well sir, I apolgise, I promise there shall be some next content by the end of the month. Anyway, what prompted further tweaking, bordem of course! I wanted to futher tidy the homepage even more and make it look nicer in 1024 by 768 screen resolution. Because I'm on 800 by 600 I had made the site to look pretty in that resolution, but looking at my counter, most of my visitors have a higher resolution so I've made the site look pretty for me. Fiddle and Resoultion are my two favourite words of the day.
Does this mean I'll stop changing the look of the site from now on? Does it fuck!
Does this mean I'll stop changing the look of the site from now on? Does it fuck!
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
The LBCC Top 5 Search Results
Welcome to the LBCC TOP 5, this will be part of a regular feature where at the beginning of every month I will run through the top 5 searches you, the lovely visitor have been searching for on Little Britain Creative Crapola. Without anymore to say, lets start the countdown (Imagine some top of the pops music at this point if you will).
Number 5 is Anne, with 11 searches, Anne Creative Crapola includes the Anne, are you okay video edit and Anne Aerology Flash
Number 4 is the surname to the most popular chav in the whole world with 12 searches, but who you ask, well, see number 3.
Number 3 is the first name of the surname at number 4, yes Vicky Pollard with 16 searches. Some of the Vicky creative crapola includes the recent Vicky Pollard Duels of Chav Video Edit and an avatar of her on trisha from the comic relief special.
Number 2 is Lou, one half the well loved little britain duo with over 23 searches (meaning 24 searches). But it seems his wheelchair buddy has beaten him to take the top spot.
Number 1 is, well it has to be, Andy with 35 searches. Some of those searches will have got you to Yeah I know video edit or even to our Lou and Andy driving game.
So there you have it, the 5 little britain creative crapola searches, will Andy stay at number one after another month of searches? All will be revealed on the 1st of July. If your looking for character specific content, try browsing through the Character Directory here.

So there you have it, the 5 little britain creative crapola searches, will Andy stay at number one after another month of searches? All will be revealed on the 1st of July. If your looking for character specific content, try browsing through the Character Directory here.